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The Mind Game of Motivation!

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This post was reprinted with permission from Motivation Mojo

The Mind Game of Motivation

The concept of motivation isn’t a physical one. You can’t touch motivation as if it were an object to attain. Motivation resembles an emotion, or a collection of them that stimulate you to perform an action.

It’s an aspect of your personality that only you can control. And that’s why each person can have different motivators and perspectives on what encourages them to do something.

Since emotions are the stimulators of your motivation, dealing with your motivators can be sensitive. When motivation comes because of an immediate, sudden change or reaction in life, your emotional response could be blurred to a wrong perspective.

If your motivator took time to develop due to reasoning and thoughtful inquisition, you may have a stronger grip and understanding of your motivator. As a result, this can yield a stronger and more sensible approach to your newly elated emotions.

Where Does Motivation Come From

As mentioned above, motivation isn’t a physical thing. It’s easiest to compare to your emotions since they are the main benefactors of your motivation. Depending on how you feel about a certain situation makes the motivation vary from occasion and person.

In other words, motivation comes from the mind. This is one of the main reasons you can either find it really easy or really hard to motivate yourself. But for most, motivation doesn’t come easy, it’s like a habit and habits are hard to shake off.

When changing anything about yourself, you’ll find that your mentality is the blocking factor to turning into a newer person. If you believe that you deserve the best of the best, then it’ll be harder to convince or motivate you to do something lower than expectations below yours.

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If you’re more adaptable, then finding motivators may be slightly easier as an open mind finds opportunity more often. Habits like procrastination, keeping everything neat, or self-consciousness are natural habits people may have with or without realizing. It’s things like these that can affect what motivates you.

If you procrastinate, then deadlines are probably the only things standing in your way to get something done, and only at the last second. Being neat and orderly could mean that your motivation remains avoiding disaster. Self-consciousness may motivate you to try and look your best on a daily basis, work out, and appear prestigious to everyone.

  • nobody is born a motivated person…

But nobody is born a motivated person. As you develop and become your individual persona, you also develop your perseverance, initiative and sense of responsibility. Since all of these qualities combine to make your motivation, you also have your own motivator chanting in the back of your mind.

It may be a strong, supportive voice booming in your thoughts all the time that helps you aim for the highest goals you wish to achieve. It could also be a quiet whistle that likes to ask you feebly ‘what if’ or ‘why not?’ once in a while. It may always be there or come along once in a while. It all depends.

Essentially, motivation is a mind game, and the only way to control your motivation is to understand your personality. What makes you, you? And answer a question like what’s your view on your own life?

Respective View on Life

Motivation depends on you, an idea now well established. So what is it about yourself that motivates you? You may not know it, but your whole life up to this moment is built on your motivation.

Are you someone who does something because you find it personally rewarding? Or is it because you wish to earn the praise of others?

If you’re the first type, then you’re driven by intrinsic motivation. When something from the inside drives you, you end up doing things that you enjoy. That also means that you’re less likely to be distracted, you’ll feel greater satisfaction in your achievements and be driven by a greater sense of purpose.

Alternately, if you’re pushed by the urge to succeed to gain a specific award or steer clear of a punishment, then your motivation is coming from an external source. This is called extrinsic motivation and can be a highly effective motivator on its own.

  • What do you desire in life?

What do you desire in life? Is it self-recognition or a grand income? This will determine whether you’re the kind of person who’d be motivated by passion and self-discovery or business dealings aimed on profiting.

For instance, a pet shop owner could be someone passionate about animals, or has experience with them and helps them find families.

A manager, on the other hand, is someone who finds authority a motivator to keep them in charge and in order. They like the higher position in an organization and are capable of taking the heat of sitting on the hot seat.

Others may scare from handling animals or buckle under the pressure of authority, afraid they won’t be able to handle it. So while one person lives to be a leader, someone else might enjoy sitting at a safer distance from the chaos.

Where you see yourself is also vital to your motivational strength. Do you feel confident in your own skills or you think they aren’t up to par with others? Do the opinions of others really matter or are you fine turning some heads? Are you fine with what the world has to offer or are you ready to hunt down what you feel you deserve? All these factor into what truly motivates you.

Your Greatest Enemy

If you answer these questions, you’ll come to realize the only thing standing in your way, is yourself. Nobody can stop you entirely from being where you need to be or even want to be. The only person you have to conquer is yourself.

It’s hard to change yourself from your material habits to your personality. While others may say you can do something and invoke you to try new things, perhaps it’s your own thoughts holding you back.

Feeling insecure about yourself is the main reason why most people don’t listen to motivation when doing something new. Self-doubt keeps you from committing yourself to brighter and unfamiliar endeavors. If you don’t feel good about yourself, how are you going to feel good about anything else?

Another issue that can often quarrel with motivating yourself to do new things would be ignorance and pride. Some people refuse to mentally open up to new experiences or ideas, which means that motivation doesn’t encourage them to discover new opportunities but rather stick to their own game.

  • Once again, motivation is something each individual has…

Once again, motivation is something each individual has, and the idea is that motivation differs from each person based on personal wants and needs.

So while a person believes that going to the beach is a fun idea and would try to go to the beach in their free time, another might see it as a nuisance to go out and rather motivate themselves to stay at home and enjoy a quiet day indoors.

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What can make you change yourself is entirely up to you.

Whenever you feel as though you can’t pull yourself to do something, no one else is stopping you, only yourself. Trying new ideas and experiencing unusual things is all progress in self-development and can only reap fruitful benefits. That’s why, when considering something new, it’s always good to look at the positive side with an open mind.

If you can conquer your own emotions, then there’s nothing standing in your way.

This post was reprinted with permission from Motivation Mojo

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